Real Stories
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Join in us
Published:2013/04/30 Member Zone Views:998
I. Pre-qualifications to become a member
1. Voluntarily apply to become a member, support the regulations of DAMI Buddhism Association. 拥护大密清净极乐弥陀殊胜洲章程,有加入本组织的意愿;
2. Willing to dedicate yourself, be enthusiastic about charity, commit to serve the community. 具有志愿奉献精神,热心公益慈善事业,致力于服务社会;
3. Be 18 years and above. 年龄在18岁以上者
4. Be in good health and have full civil act capacity具有完全民事行为能力
5. Be willing to fulfill member obligations能履行会员义务
II. Application procedure
1. submit Membership Application Form to 提交入会申请表及下列文件至。
a) Membership Application Form must be in both digital and physical copy. 入会申请表(一式两份,纸质和电子版各一份)
b) Both digital and physical copy of your identification document. 护照、身份证的电子扫描件和复印件各1份
c) Your resume. 个人履历表
2. Wait for the approval from DAMI大密清净极乐弥陀殊胜洲审核批准
3. Confirm membership and issue relevant documents. 确认会员身份,制作相关证件
III. Forms
Membership Application Form
Volunteer Application Form
IV. Submit Application Documents
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