Real Stories
[dzs_videogallery id="realstories02" start_item="16"] It was an ordinary d...
[dzs_videogallery id="realstories02" start_item="15"] After Fang's family ...
<!–– --> [dzs_videogallery id="realstories02" start_item="11"] Th...
[dzs_videogallery id="realstories02" start_item="14"] I’m a man who ha...
[dzs_videogallery id="realstories02" start_item="13"] Most people are awar...
[dzs_videogallery id="realstories02" start_item="12"] I started drinki...
Avalokiteshvara Helped Mother of Fan Zhongyan
Published:2014/12/24 Buddhist Stories Views:1163
仲淹公哭醒,立即延请僧众,为母亲念经超度。 寺院安排了七位僧人帮他母亲诵《金刚经》。诵到要上供时,僧寮里面一位做饭的僧人,端了供饭供菜,过来献在供桌上。摆好以后,他拿着盘子正准备走,看到大家在诵《金刚经》,那位僧人站在旁边看了一会儿就走了。
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