Real Stories

[dzs_videogallery id="realstories02" start_item="16"] It was an ordinary d...

[dzs_videogallery id="realstories02" start_item="15"] After Fang's family ...

<!–– --> [dzs_videogallery id="realstories02" start_item="11"] Th...

I am a man who smoked and drank for 26 years. I resolved to ...

[dzs_videogallery id="realstories02" start_item="13"] Most people are awar...

[dzs_videogallery id="realstories02" start_item="12"] I started drinki...
Volunteers work together during the Lunar New Year
DAMI members got together in New York temple and celebrated 2015 Spring Festival.
Ms. Guo at the Home of Joy
I first met Aunt Guo in Happy Home three years ago. I still remembered that day when we met.
A Volunteer’s Journey of Craft and Growth
In DAMI Buddha hall, people can see a busy man very often. He used his hands made a lot of tables, chairs, and other useful things.